St. John Missionary Baptist Church is a product of an established church that was located at Bruce on RR Cotton Farm known as Old St. John, under the leadership of Rev. Tony Cannady. For some unknown reason, this church was moved to this spot in 1882. The records given orally by the elder members described the first meeting as being held under a Holy Tree. Rev. Harry Hyman preached the first sermon using a wooden box as a pulpit. St. John was led by many of God’s shepherds who always worked hard to win souls to Christ, stands as a light among God’s people, and carry this congregation towards a prosperous future. Each leader of this church will be remembered for their uniting commitments to the service of God and for their press towards the mark of the high calling. This church is affiliated with the Old Eastern Missionary Baptist Association and with the General Baptist State Convention.
“Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid… Let your light shine before men, that they see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” Matthew 5:14-16.
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